CurrentBody Skin LED Neck and Dec Perfector - urządzenie ledowe na szyje i dekolt
World's leading LED mask for the neck and décolletage

CurrentBody Skin Maska LED do terapii światłem: Series 2
Maska LED do twarzy z rewolucyjną technologią przeciwstarzeniową

CurrentBody Skin Maska LED do terapii światłem: Series 1
Najbardziej zaufana maska LED na twarz dla widocznych efektów przeciwstarzeniowych

CurrentBody Skin Special LED Kit
Limitowana edycja zestawu CurrentBody Skin

Maseczka do twarzy CurrentBody Skin Hydrogel Face Mask
Wzmocnij działanie swojej maski CURRENTBODY skin LED Light Therapy Mask

CurrentBody Skin Radio Frequency Conductive Gel 100ml
Twice the size of TriPollar's Preparation Gel

ZIIP Beauty Silver Gel 80ml
The magic link between your ZIIP device and your skin

Dr. Harris Revitalise Set
New year, new eyes

CurrentBody Skin Clarifying Clay Mask
Refines pores and draws out impurities to boost acne treatments

ZIIP Crystal Gel
Organic conductivity gel

CurrentBody Skin RF Device
Patented Skin Sense Technology for effective, safe RF treatments at home

CurrentBody Skin Anti-Blemish LED Face Mask
Clear spots and calm skin with red and blue light therapy